Journal Pelita Informatika: Informasi dan Informatika is a journal media that is used to display research results for both lecturers and students. The focus and study of the journal Pelita Informatika: Informasi dan Informatika is in the field of Computer Science such as Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems, Image Processing, Data Mining, Big Data, Security, Cryptography, Steganography, and others.
Pelita Informatika: Informasi dan Informatika Journal has ISSN 2301-9425 (print) with SK no. 0005.126 / JI.3.2 / SK.ISSN / 2012.07 - 25 July 2012 (starting from 25 July 2012 edition).

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4. PKP Index
5. Moraref
Pelita Informatika: Informasi dan Informatika journal published 4 times a year in:
- Issue No 1: JULY,
- Issue No 2: OCTOBER,
- Issue No 3: JANUARY, and
- Issue No 4: APRIL
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Vol 12, No 1 (2023): Juli 2023
Table of Contents
Fauzan Fauzan, Efori Buulolo, Bister Purba
Saifullah Aldi
Hendrik Filsuf
Binsar Simon