Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kerja Karyawan PT. Pos Indonesia Menggunakan Metode Multi Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP)
Puspita Dewi Hasanah, Rusmin Saragih, Siswan Syahputra, Imeldawaty Gultom
Along with the development of the era of technology, humans have begun to create systems that can facilitate human work in solving large or small-scale problems that have an influence in making decisions. Decision support system (DSS) is an interactive system that can assist humans in making alternative decisions in solving problems obtained from data. The quality of human resources is a supporting factor to increase the productivity of an agency's performance. If the quality of human resources decreases, it will result in decreased work productivity and can worsen the company's image so that the company does not achieve optimal performance. The decision support system (DSS) can be used to assess employee performance so that it can be used as a proposal to promote promotions and so on because the assessments made so far have been carried out objectively by the leader. The MFEP method is a quantitative method that uses a weighting system. Decision making can be done by giving subjective and intuitive considerations and considering various factors that have an important influence on alternative choices.
Alternatives, Decision Support Systems, Human Resources, MFEP, Productivity
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