Optimizing Sentiment Analysis of Working Hours Impact on Generation Z’s Mental Health Using Backpropagation

 Nabila Zibriza Farsya (Dian Nuswantoro University, Semarang, Indonesia)
 (*)Ardytha Luthfiarta Mail (Dian Nuswantoro University, Semarang, Indonesia)
 Zahra Nabila Maharani (Dian Nuswantoro University, Semarang, Indonesia)
 Syuhra Putri Ganiswari (Dian Nuswantoro University, Semarang, Indonesia)

(*) Corresponding Author

Submitted: June 24, 2024; Published: July 26, 2024


The topic of working hours' impact, Generation Z, and mental health are discussions that are often found on social media such as X (used to be Twitter). The sentiment analysis addressing these topics is needed to find out people’s opinions regarding these topics. It could also be helpful as a consideration for the decision-making process for related topics research. Therefore, this research aims to improve the accuracy of the model generated by the previous sentiment analysis research regarding the working hours’ impact on Gen Z’s mental health. The contribution of this research is by building a robust Backpropagation Neural Network model and utilizing SMOTETomek to achieve higher accuracy. This research compared two oversampling techniques for data balancing: SMOTE and SMOTETomek. The result shows that this research has successfully outperformed the baseline research with the best accuracy of 91% using SVM by generating the best accuracy of 93.01% with SMOTETomek. For comparison, SMOTETomek has outperformed SMOTE by generating the best accuracy of 93.01%, while the best accuracy generated with SMOTE is 92.26%. It indicates that in the case of Indonesian text sentiment analysis of this research, SMOTETomek has a better effect compared to SMOTE.


Sentiment Analysis; Working Hours; Generation Z; Mental Health; Backpropagation Neural Network; SMOTETomek

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