Implementasi Algoritma Fuzzy C-Means menggunakan Model LRFM untuk Mendukung Strategi Pengelolaan Pelanggan
The same treatment of all customers will cause customers who are not so valuable to become value destroyers in the concept of Customer Relationship Management. Providing discounts and promos to all customers without differentiating customer segments has not provided significant benefits for a company. These two things are being experienced by BC 4 HNI Pekanbaru, so changes are needed in evaluating the strategies taken to maintain relationships with customers and form segments according to customer characteristics. Customer segments can be analyzed from sales transaction data. The purpose of this study is to manage and group sales transaction data in determining customer segmentation so that the strategy is more targeted. The analysis of customer transaction data was carried out by grouping the data using the Fuzzy C-means algorithm and the length, recency, frequency, monetary (LRFM) model, and AHP weighting. The formation of the number of validated clusters of the silhouette index and ranking is carried out by multiplying the weight of AHP to find the customer lifetime value (CLV) so that it can be known which customer groups provide high value to the company. The result of this study is that BC 4 HNI Pekanbaru customers are grouped into 2 segments, namely the potential customer group which has a fairly frequent transaction value with an average monetary value of Rp. 2,802,495.00 and a fairly high number of transactions contribute greatly to the Company and the new customer group which means a new customer segment with uncertain funds, an average monetary of Rp. 104,567.00. Based on the segment, BC 4 HNI Pekanbaru can carry out a strategy in managing its customers according to the type of segment generated from this research.
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