Tourism Recommendation System using Weighted Hybrid Method in Bali Island
Tourism is a promising sector for global economic growth, as it has shown resilience during the global crisis. In Bali, tourism is a leading sector alongside agriculture and industry, making a significant contribution to regional and community development. However, Bali's popularity as a sought-after tourist destination also raises the need for an information system that can provide destination recommendations. To overcome the problem of information overload, a recommendation system is needed. This study tested the tourism recommendation system in Bali using the Weighted Hybrid technique which combines two methods, namely Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based using the weighted value technique. Collaborative Filtering, Content-Based, and Weighted Hybrid approaches will be compared in this study to improve the performance and accuracy of current recommendation systems. Utilizing the MAE, MSE, and RMSE values, the evaluation is carried out by comparing the evaluation matrices of the three Collaborative Filtering, Content-Based, and Weighted Hybrid methods. With MAE, MSE, and RMSE values of 0.4854, 0.4034, and 0.6351 respectively, the evaluation findings show that the Weighted Hybrid technique beats Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based with a weight value of 0.4.
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