Natural disasters are natural events that have a large impact on the human population. Located on the Pacific Ring of Fire (an area with many tectonic activities), Indonesia must continue to face the risk of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis. Application of Clustering Algorithm in Grouping the Number of Villages / Villages According to Anticipatory / Natural Disaster Mitigation Efforts by Province With K-Means. The source of this research data is collected based on documents that contain the number of villages / kelurahan according to natural disaster mitigation / mitigation efforts produced by the National Statistics Agency. The data used in this study is provincial data consisting of 34 provinces. There are 4 variables used, namely the Natural Disaster Early Warning System, Tsunami Early Warning System, Safety Equipment, Evacuation Line. The data will be processed by clustering in 3 clushter, namely clusther high level of anticipation / mitigation, clusters of moderate anticipation / mitigation levels and low anticipation / mitigation levels. The results obtained from the assessment process are based on the Village / Kelurahan index according to the Natural Disaster Anticipation / Mitigation Efforts with 3 provinces of high anticipation / mitigation levels, namely West Java, Central Java, East Java, 9 provinces of moderate anticipation / mitigation, and 22 other provinces including low anticipation / mitigation. This can be an input to the government, the provinces that are of greater concern to the Village / Village According to the Natural Health Disaster Mitigation / Mitigation Efforts based on the cluster that has been carried out.
Keywords: Data Mining, Natural Disaster, Clustering, K-Means
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