Perbandingan Algoritma Elias Gamma Code Dan Puncturead Elias Code Dalam Mengkompresi File Audio MP3

Arfan Heri


In today's digital era, the use of data compression technology is very important because the utilization of data in electronic form is faster for exchanging information. Large file sizes require a lot of storage space. MP3-extended audio files have a large size compared to other types of video files. Because the size of the MP3 file is too large, the process of sending data takes a long time. One of the techniques needed for this problem is compression. Compression is the process of resizing data to a smaller size. The algorithms used in this research are the Elias Gamma Code and Punctured Elias Code algorithms, which have their own advantages and disadvantages. After the two algorithms are compressed, a comparison of the two algorithms is made using the lossless compression method. The lossless compression comparison method is one of the methods used to determine the priority order of alternative decisions based on several criteria. The final result of the comparison process with the lossless compression method obtained a result of 74.2%, which is the Punctured Elias Code algorithm. So that the algorithm becomes the fastest and most effective algorithm in compressing audio files, this is because the smaller the total value obtained, the less effort made by the algorithm in compression.


Compression; Audio Files; Comparison; Elias Gamma Code; Puncturead Elias Co

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