Analisis Efisiensi Dan Efektivitas Metode FELICS Pada Proses Kompresi Citra JPEG
In technological developments, it also affects the size of the data from a file, especially in transmitting JPEG images or images. Digital images have a size or capacity that is large enough so that the image transmission process often experiences problems due to its large enough capacity. Large data sizes also require large storage space, therefore additional solutions are needed to save space on storage media, such as reducing the size of the data to be stored. Knowing the value of the speed and efficiency of the JPEG image compression process needs to remember so many compression methods that exist today, one of which is the FELICS method. Image compression is carried out on images aimed at reducing the redundancy of existing data in the image so that it can be stored or transmitted efficiently. The FELICS method, which stands for Fast Compression & Lossless Image System, is a lossless image compression algorithm that performs 5 times faster than the original lossless JPEG codec and produces a compression ratio of the same value. So through this research the writer wants to carry out the analysis process of the FELICS method. The Fast Compression & Lossless Image System method works very well on images and produces high ratio values.
Keywords: Analysis, Image, Compression, FELICS MethodFull Text:
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