Analisa Data Bencana Alam Untuk Prediksi Dampak Yang Ditimbulkan Dengan Algoritma J48 (Studi Kasus : Palang Merah Indonesia)
Natural disaster is a natural event that is difficult to avoid and difficult to estimate the exact impact of natural disasters that can be fatalities, social environment, propety, losses, even distrubance to the community even though it is very likely to occur. As for the disasters that often occur in Indonesia including floods, landslides, tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The lack of relief supplies provided by the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) was caused by the absence of data on the need for assistance provided. Therefore it is necessary to analyze natural disaster data that has happened before to be used to predict the impact caused by natural disasters. Prediction of the amount of assistance needed can be done using data mining techniques, therefore this study amis to analyzenatural disaster data using data mining methods using the J48 algorithm. To analyze natural disastr data for prediction of the impact can be used by rapidminer testing so that the results can be in the form of a decision tree.
Keywords: Data Mining, Natural Disaster Data, J48 Algorithm
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