Analisis Kepuasan Mahasiswa Tentang Pemakaian Aplikasi Sistem Akademik Memakai Metode Technology Acceptance Model (Tam)

Rizky Ramadhan Simangunsong, Wela Rahmadani


As a university, Al-Washliyah Nusantara Muslim University is required to have an Academic Information System as a form of communication to users. Since this Academic Information System Application was created until now, its quality has not been measured based on the last use, so that the manager has not been able to receive feedback on the Academic System. The purpose of carrying out this research is an effort to get student satisfaction with the use of the Al-Washliyah Muslim Nusantara University Academic System Application. This research applies the TAM model methodology. The sampling method used is non-probability and the total sample of this research is 37 people. Data accumulation was carried out by distributing questionnaires using the help of google form and published through cyberspace. The technique of analyzing data is carried out using the help of Excel 2021 software. The findings show that PEOU has a definite and good impact on PU with a statistical value of 1.714 and ATU with a value of 3.148. However, there is also a negative influence between PU and ATU with a value of -1.280 but the impact is small. Student satisfaction with the academic system application at Al-Washliyah Muslim Nusantara University shows that the application has successfully met their needs and expectations. This attitude of satisfaction reflects that students find the app useful, easy to use, and supports students' academic activities effectively. High levels of satisfaction encourage more active and positive use of the app, which can increase students' academic engagement and loyalty to the institution.


Analysis; Satisfaction; Technology Acceptance Model (TAM); Application; Academic Information System

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