Analisis User Interface (UI) Pada Aplikasi BRIMO (BRI Mobile) Menggunakan Metode System Usability Scale (SUS)

Salsa Sabrina Azzahra, Rohani Pandiangan


The aim of this research is to evaluate the quality of the BRI mobile application user interface using the SUS method approach, considering the many negative reviews that users have given on Google Playstore about the application. There are several research stages in the research. These stages include problem identification, literature research, method determination, SUS questionnaire, SUS data collection and processing, analysis of data processing results, and research conclusions. The research results from SUS respondents were 53.58, which shows that the acceptance range is in the MARGINAL LOW category. However, the rating scale shows that the system received a grade of F. In addition, the Adjective Ratings evaluation showed an "OK" rating of 53.58, which shows that the BRImo application system is not good and still has shortcomings. The aim of this research is to determine the level of usability quality. BRI Mobile application using the Usability Scale (SUS) System method based on many reviews. The results of data processing from the SUS questionnaire from 30 respondents showed an average SUS score of 53.58, which according to acceptability standards is included in the "Marginal Low" category. According to the Grade scale, the application's functionality is still very low, with a score of 53.58. However, the app was rated "OK" by Adjective Ratings, indicating that the system was rated poorly. The system still requires improvements and development so that users can easily and comfortably use the BRImo application. There are several things that need to be developed, namely making improvements and developing features that users feel are not easy to use based on the reviews and suggestions given. For example, simplifying the registration process, login, transactions, etc., improving the user interface to make it more intuitive and easy to use and providing clear information to users. For example, by simplifying the menu layout and appearance.


User Interface (UI)); BRI Mobile; System Usability Scale (SUS)

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