Penerapan Data Mining Untuk Pengelompokan Minat Konsumen Terhadap Pengguna Jasa Pengiriman Pada CV. Lima Benua Nusa Indonesia

Hendra Jaya Zega, Peber Epenetus Halawa, Taronisokhi Zebua


Data mining is a method for finding knowledge in a fairly large pile of data by the process of digging and analyzing a very large amount of data in order to obtain something true, new and useful so that a style or pattern can be found in the data. Service in general is every activity which is intended or intended to provide satisfaction to customers, through this service customer desires and needs can be fulfilled. Service is an effort to serve other people's needs, while serving is helping to prepare (helping someone with what they need). Service is essentially the concept or practice of providing assistance or kindness to others. In general, service involves actions or efforts to help, serve, or meet the needs of others in a responsible and caring manner. As a service process that takes place routinely and continuously, covering all the lives of people in society, the process of fulfilling needs through the activities of other people, including CV. Lima Benua Nusa Indonesia is a company that offers services in the field of shipping and logistics, headquartered in Medan, Indonesia. The K-Means algorithm is an iterative clustering algorithm that partitions a data set into a number of K clusters that have been determined at the beginning


Data Mining; K-Means Clustering Method; Service Delivery; CV. Lima Benua Nusa Indonesia

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