Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Amblyopia Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor

Viktor Frank Zai, Yasril Darma Hendra Gulo


Abnormalities that can affect the eyes are diseases that can impact a person's vision and potentially lead to blindness. One of the common eye diseases is amblyopia. This condition usually occurs due to vision impairment in one eye because the nerve connecting the brain and the eye does not connect properly. Individuals with this type of disease typically have difficulty seeing objects or light. This study aims to reduce the prevalence of undiagnosed amblyopia and ensure that children receive the necessary treatment to achieve healthy vision. It also seeks to provide clear solutions for patients and healthcare professionals in managing amblyopia. Moreover, the study aims to increase awareness, especially among parents and healthcare providers, about the importance of routine examinations and early intervention to prevent permanent vision loss. Therefore, an expert system is needed. An expert system is a technology that can support the diagnostic process and decision-making by specialists. This study uses the Certainty Factor method as a reference for diagnosis, which is a part of the expert system methodology. In this research, there are 12 types of symptoms used to obtain accurate diagnostic percentage values. From these issues, a study was conducted discussing the Expert System for Diagnosing Amblyopia Using the Certainty Factor Method. The application of the Certainty Factor method resulted in a diagnosis of strabismus amblyopia with a confidence level percentage of 86.3136%. For the diagnosis of refractive amblyopia, the confidence level percentage was 61.563%. Therefore, it can be concluded that patients with strabismus amblyopia should consult an ophthalmologist. Meanwhile, for refractive amblyopia, it is recommended to use appropriate glasses or contact lenses to correct any refractive errors, whether it is myopia or hyperopia


Diagnosis; Amblyopia Disease; Expert System; Certainty Factor

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