Diagnosa Penyakit Laringitis Melalui Sistem Pakar Dengan Pendekatan Metode Certainty Factor
Experiencing illness, especially one that affects our throat, can be a serious problem. One common illness that affects the throat is laryngitis. Individuals with laryngitis typically have difficulty producing sound due to swelling of the vocal cords. The treatment of laryngitis depends on its severity. For acute laryngitis, it is generally sufficient to avoid excessive use of the voice, rest the voice, and drink plenty of water. For chronic laryngitis, it is necessary to consult a doctor for regular treatment. This study aims to develop clear guidelines for patients and medical professionals in managing laryngitis, considering the severity of the symptoms experienced. Thus, this research is expected to help in making more accurate decisions regarding the need for medical intervention and the appropriate type of treatment for each case of laryngitis. Therefore, an expert system is needed. An expert system is a technology used to support the diagnostic process and medical decision-making. This study employs the Certainty Factor method as an aid in diagnosis, which is also part of the expert system method. In this research, 13 symptoms are used as the basis to achieve accurate diagnostic results. From the issues above, this study addresses the Diagnosis of Laryngitis Using an Expert System with the Certainty Factor Method. The results of applying the certainty factor method for diagnosing acute laryngitis obtained a confidence level percentage of 48.928%. For diagnosing chronic laryngitis, the confidence level percentage was 80.365%. Therefore, treatment for acute laryngitis cases only requires resting the voice and drinking plenty of water, whereas patients with chronic laryngitis need to consult an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist.
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