Analisis Usability Testing menggunakan Metode SUS (System Usability Scale) Terhadap Kepuasan pengguna Aplikasi Tokopedia

Alfathan Ghazali, Arya Ardana, Edward Robinson Siagian


Tokopedia is one of the largest online marketplaces in Indonesia, Tokopedia was founded in 2009 by William Tanuwijaya and Leontinus Alpha Edison. Tokopedia offers a platform for individuals and companies to launch their own online stores and sell a variety of goods, including clothing, electronics, equipment, and other goods. The Tokopedia application also has main features such as marketplace, payment and security, shipping, promotions and others. However, there will be some problems faced by Tokopedia application users such as difficulty in navigation, less user-friendly interface design, and less than satisfactory user experience. To overcome these problems, this study uses the SUS method to evaluate the level of usability of the Tokopedia application. Data were collected from 50 respondents through a SUS questionnaire consisting of 10 questions. This study aims to analyze the level of usability of the Tokopedia application using the SUS method and the usability analysis of the Tokopedia application. The results of this study indicate that the average SUS score for the Tokopedia application is 64.58 and has a range of acceptance with the "Marginal" category. Furthermore, the Scale grade on the Tokopedia application is in category D and the Adjective rating is in the "OK" category. Meanwhile, based on the Percentage Score Rank, the Tokopedia application is included in grade D. This study shows that although the application is quite useful, there is still much room for improvement. Some recommendations for improvement include improving navigation, optimizing speed, improving interface design, and adding relevant features. By conducting this study, hopefully the results can provide clear and useful guidance for further development of the Tokopedia application


Usability Testing; User Satisfaction; SUS method; Tokopedia application

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