Analisa Perbandingan Algoritma LZW dan Prefix Code dalam Mengkompresi File Audio

Erninda Syahfitri, Tisen Tandiono


The rapid development of the use of technology over time has made the progress of computer science grow even faster. This progress encourages many individuals or groups to slowly join in accessing the digital world, keeping up with modern developments. One of the most prominent is in the world of information, one of which is audio. In its initial development, audio could only be enjoyed directly on the spot, but with the digital world, audio can be recorded and turned into a file that can be played back over and over again. Of course, when using audio files, we often save too many audio files, which creates new problems, namely storage, and when we want to share audio files, the delivery time can be quite long. Data compression provides an optimal solution in solving problems that arise with the concept of reducing the size by changing the initial bits into new bits based on the algorithm described. This study compares two compression algorithms, namely the LZW and Prefix Code algorithms, in the context of audio file compression. Audio file compression has become essential to reduce storage space usage and facilitate efficient data transfer. The LZW algorithm has become widely known in data compression, while Prefix Code also offers a promising approach. The results obtained from the addition using the Exponential method can conclude that the use of Prefix code in compressing sound files is better than LZW with a comparison result of 5.53 and 2,65


Prefix Code; LZW; Compression; Audio; Comparison

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