Analysis and Identification of International Tourist Visits to Indonesia Based on Data Warehouse Implementation
Foreign tourist visits to Indonesia play an important role in the economic growth of the tourism sector. In increasing the interest of visitors, development resources are needed as a tourism sector. The development carried out must be carried out optimally with the growth trend of tourist visits so that development is right on target, effective and efficient. This study aims to visit foreign tourists to Indonesia using the implementation of a data warehouse. The dataset used is data on foreign tourist arrivals by nationality in 2021 sourced from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS). This is done to determine the interest and potential of tourism to support the country's economy. The steps taken in this analysis and identification are Choosing the Process, Choosing the Grain, Identifying and confirming the dimension, Choosing The Facts, Rounding out the dimension table, Choosing the duration of database, Tracking Slowly changing Dimensions, Deciding the query priorities and the query mode, and the last Storing pre-calculation in the fact information. The result can be seen Foreign Tourism Visits in Indonesia using the Application of OLAP Data Warehouse for analysis. So that in 2021 it can be analyzed that monthly tourist visits tend to be stable with the periods of July-August and January-December increasing. These results in the future can be used as a policy reference in increasing tourist visits to foreign tourist targets in certain countries. This is done to determine the interest and potential of tourism to support the country's economy through the tourism sector
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Copyright (c) 2022 Indira Septianita Larasati, Valian Yoga Pudya Ardhana, Alika Oktaviani, Yulita Sirinti Pongtambing, Eliyah A M Sampetoding, Lopinta Sarungallo, Rahmi

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