Sentiment Classification of Food Influencer Content Reviews using Support Vector Machine Model through CRISP-DM Framework
The research problem revolves around the challenges in effectively marketing culinary tourism aligned with tourist preferences in Indonesia, necessitating a substantial exploration of consumer sentiments related to culinary diversity through the lens of food influencer content. Food influencers are crucial in stimulating tourists' interest in gastronomy through culinary tourism in Indonesia. This research reveals challenges in culinary tourism marketing aligned with tourist preferences, necessitating substantial exploration of consumer sentiments related to culinary diversity through food influencer content. The sentiment classification method employed is the Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm and the SMOTE operator. The data source is derived from a video with the ID PMhfLy_buV8, containing 114,422 comments. This study collects and processes 30,000 comments, resulting in 9,323 data points. The findings highlight the vital performance metrics of SVM models, both with and without SMOTE, showcasing high accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure values. Specifically, SVM without SMOTE achieves 95.28% accuracy, while SVM with SMOTE achieves 98.67%. Despite some limitations in discerning positive and negative sentiments, indicated by moderate Area Under the Curve (AUC) values (0.608 to 0.658), the overall efficacy of SVM in sentiment analysis for food influencer content is apparent. Drawing from a dataset of 30,000 comments, these insights contribute to advancing sentiment analysis methodologies and offer practical implications for understanding consumer perceptions and behaviors in digital media and influencer marketing. Additionally, the prominence of frequent words such as "bang" (1322), "nonton" (1064), "makan" (921), "yang" (801), "puasa" (711), "tahun" (484), "ngiler" (448), "lagi" (384), "tanboy" (311), and "enak" (315), as extracted from RapidMiner analysis, underscores the significance of language patterns in the realm of food influencer content.
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