Analisis Perbandingan Algoritma C4.5 dan Modified K-Nearest Neighbor (MKNN) untuk Klasifikasi Jamur
Mushrooms are organisms that consist of several cells, contain spores, are eukaryotic (have a cell nucleus membrane), and do not have chlorophyll, so fungi depend on other organisms to get food. Mushrooms have very identical shapes, starting with size, shape, smell, and color. So it is difficult for ordinary people to differentiate between poisonous mushrooms and non-poisonous mushrooms. Mistakes in identifying mushrooms can have fatal consequences because they can cause poisoning when consuming mushrooms. Therefore, there is a need for education in classifying poisonous and non-poisonous mushrooms. By applying various classification algorithms, it can be determined which algorithm performs better. In previous research conducted by several researchers on classifying mushrooms, there were differences in the accuracy results for each algorithm. Therefore, this research will raise the question of how to measure or comparion algorithm performance in classification using the C4.5 algorithm and the Modified K-Nearest Neighbor (MKNN) algorithm. The results obtained by comparion the performance of the C4.5 algorithm and the Modified K-Nearest Neighbor (MKNN) algorithm in this research show that the C4.5 algorithm managed to obtain an accuracy level of 98.52%, precision of 98.55%, recall of 98.52%, and f1-score of 98.51%. In contrast, the Modified K-Nearest Neighbor (MKNN) algorithm using the value K=10 achieved an accuracy level of 96.62%, precision of 96.69%, recall of 96.62%, and f1-score value of 96.57%.
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