Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Dalam Menentukan Calon Nasabah Penerima Pinjaman Dana Menerapkan Metode TOPSIS dan AHP

 (*)Sri Yuslina Siregar Mail (Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia)
 Raissa Amanda Putri (Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia)

(*) Corresponding Author

Submitted: September 2, 2023; Published: September 25, 2023


PT. FIFGroup is a company that has obtained permission from the Minister of Finance, where this company carries out business in the field of providing loans in the form of funds. PT. FIFGroup Cikampak is one of several branches in other cities, as a prospective customer there are 5 criteria that must be considered and have been determined, namely according to the prospective customer's income, collateral for the prospective customer, employment, needs and term of borrowing funds. However, when determining potential customers who will receive loan funds, PT.FIFGroup Cikampak still uses manual methods, such as analyzing the conditions attached when applying for funds. In order to avoid errors in customer decision making, a web-based decision support system is needed to provide information quickly and precisely regarding the criteria for prospective customers. This decision support system uses a combination method, namely Topsis (Technique for orders preference by siilatyt ideal solution) and AHP (Analytical hierarchy process), this system can automatically recommend potential loan recipient customers who comply with predetermined criteria. Prospective customers who receive loan funds in this system will produce a ranking based on Topsis and AHP calculations. Based on calculations using the AHP method from the five criteria elements, the alternative weightings use a satty scale weighting of 1-9 according to the provisions of the AHP method. Then the ranking was carried out using the topsis method, resulting in the first rank being the name of the Misno customer with a manual priority of 0.729 and a system of 0.729, the lowest value or lowest ranking of the 15 alternatives, namely Sri Irma Naibaho manual priority of 0.204 and system of 0.204. The design of the decision support system has been successfully built using the Topsis and AHP methods, based on the results of Black Box testing, the system runs very well as desired.


Fifgroup cikampak; Dicision Support System; Topsis; AHP; Loan

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